Use your rent to build credit for free!

Pay Rent, Earn Rewards, and Build Credits

cheerful woman vibrant clothing against yellow background smiling
Make your rent work for you!

Use your largest recurring monthly expense to your advantage. Build credit and earn rewards when you pay your rent on Payfi!

Don’t be left behind

In March 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the Amendments to the Canadian Mortgage Charter that allow tenants’ on-time rent payments to count toward their credit score. Learn More

Payfi’s rent reporting is right on time! Because every rent paid on our platform gets reported to Equifax and counts toward your credit score. 

You Pay your Rent, Let your Rent Pay you …


Why use this service?

Build credit with rent payment

Convert your rent into positive credit.

Track payments

Monitor your rent payments on your smartphone.

Zero fees

This service does not cost any extra $

Quick processing time

Your landlord will receive your rent in a short time.

Earn rewards

Make every dollar count! Turn rent payments into gift cards and shop from your favourite brands

Easy payment process

Working for money is hard, Paying your rent should not be.


Start building your credit in 5 minutes

Create an Account

Sign up on our platform by inputting some require details we have asked of you

Verify your Identity

Add some of your documents so that we can verify your identity and move you onto the next stage

Fill in the necessary Tenant and Landlord Information

Input all the necessary information on tenant and landlord.

Pay your Rent and Build Credit

All set up, start paying up your rent judiciously and build your credit score.


Let us make payments so much fun for you that you have no worries!

Payfi is a member of the Canadian Lenders Association and reports to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada. Unauthorised reproduction or redistribution of copyrighted materials on this website and Payfi's digital media pages is strictly prohibited.
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