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Rent Guarantee

Never worry about credit/rent history

Why do I need Payfi's rent guarantee?

Updated last month

You need our rent guarantee if you have;

  • No credit history: If you are an Immigrant.
  • No rental history: If you are moving into your first flat.
  • Unstable employment history: If you are a student or self-employed
  • No eligible Canadian Rent Guarantor (For example if you are an international student and cannot provide a Canadian based Rent Guarantor)
  • You prefer not to ask a relative or friend living in Canada to be your Rent Guarantor
  • Your Guarantor does not meet the Accommodation Provider’s qualifying requirements such as They are not resident in Canada / They do not have a qualifying amount of income / They do not own their own home / They have a bad credit rating / They have failed a credit check / They have no permanent address.
What are the benefits of using Payfi's rent guarantee service

Updated last month

You do not need to

  • Have a credit or rental history before you can rent a house
  • Pay 6-12 months of rent upfront before securing a house
How can I pay for the service?

Updated last month

We receive payments via Interac, Credit/Debit cards and Crypto.

Do I have to pay upfront for Payfi's Rent Guarantee?

Updated last month

No, you do not. You can split our service fee payment monthly for the duration of your rent or pay upfront at the beginning of your tenancy period.

How much does your rent guarantee service cost?

Updated last month

  • One off Payment: 1.5 - 10% of the rent for the lease period. The lease period can be 6 months or 1-year.
  • Monthly payment costs: The monthly premium payment is charged at extra 0.5% per month.
I have signed up on the website, what next?

Updated last month

Sign in to your account, follow the prompts to upload all necessary documents, and wait for 3 working days for our team to review and approve your application.

Will the data I provide be safe and secure?

Updated last month

Yes, at Payfi we take your data security very seriously. Every information shared with Payfi is private and confidential and will not be shared with any external third parties who are not involved with delivering the guarantor or rent payment service to you.

If I have a Rent Guarantee, can I just stop paying rent? What happens if I stop?

Updated last month

No, you cannot stop paying rent. Payfi does not change your obligations under the lease. You are still obligated to pay rent and follow standard renting requirements. If you default on your rent payment, and owe your landlord money, we will pay your rent for a certain period of time. You are however liable to repay Payfi based on the conditions outlined in your Rent Guarantee contract/agreement and this can negatively affect your credit score.

If I rent an apartment and then sublease it to another person, does the person have to pay for the rent guarantee fee too?

Updated last month

No, you do not, as the rent guarantee is per lease and not per renter.

I am currently not in Canada, Can I start my rent guarantee process? As I do not want to be stranded.

Updated last month

Yes, You can. the first step is to apply for Payfi's Pre-rent Guarantee.

Let us make payments so much fun for you that you have no worries!

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